Title Reinhold Farm - John Deere Engine
Place Medford, Wisconsin
Date c.1968

After purchasing the Wisconsin farm, Carl Oscar and Nora Reinhold added improvements to it.  In about 1923-1924, Carl Oscar installed a water system of drinking cups in the barn which provided the cows with constant supply of water. Water flowed by gravity down from a large holding tank located above the stable in the hay-mow to the drinking cups next to each cow.  Water was pumped into the large holding tank by a windmill, and in the event there was no wind, then, the water was pumped with a 1½ horse power John Deere gasoline engine. Installing drinking cups in the barn increased milk production. 

The John Deere engine also powered the family’s washing machine.  The engine had to be cranked to start and the large iron wheels acted as both fly-wheels and pulley assemblies from which a belt ran to the pump or washing machine powering the equipment. The engine was mounted on 4" x 4" wood skids and was dragged to wherever it was needed to provide power.